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Register licence

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 9:57:17 PM Europe/Minsk

You have just acquired an E-abi module, which we are delighted about! Thank you! By now, you have likely successfully installed it in your e-shop, but oh no, now what! In order for the module to function, the licence must be registered! How on earth should this be done?



Don’t worry! Registering the licence is very easy. Below you will find a step by step explanation. We will register the licence together, in the blink of an eye.

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Comments | Posted By Andra Halmann

Imagine, that you have created new select type attribute and you add some manufacturers to it.

Now you may have a script that imports products and you have absolutely no idea which manufacturers do exist in that product feed

It seems obvious that every time there is a new manufacturer in the product import feed, then it needs to be added as new attribute option value.

Unfortunately Magento uses numeric ID-s to store such data, so we need a method which would return the attribute option ID and if needed, then the same method would automatically add the new attribute option value to the database and return newly created attribute option value id.

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Comments | Posted By Matis Halmann

Magento system.xml Datepicker form field type in custom module

Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:16:03 AM Europe/Minsk

Magento's System configuration supports many types of fields such as 'label', 'multiselect', 'text', 'textarea', etc. Unfortunately there is no field for date. In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create a nice looking form field with Magento's own Calendar Date picker which really works.

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Comments | Posted By Matis Halmann