Class Eabi_Livehandler_Model_Entry
Represents one entry of eabi_livehandler database table.
Performs following:
- Render javascript before_body_end part of the page, when Magento request variables match
- Generates unique URL, where sending data to causes to fire service() function on the model_class instance.
- Works only when javascript at the bottom of the page is rendered. Which means if you see this page you can fire the action.
- id - unique auto incement id
- name - Human readable description
- is_enabled - 1 means action is enabled, 0 means action is disabled
- is_admin - 1 means action is admin only, 0 means action is public only
- request_var - Magento request var name, which current action must match. Example: adminhtml/sales_order/index - Magentos Sales Order Grid
- store_id - id of the store this action should run in
- website_id - if of the website this action should run in
- model_class - full Magento model name for the implementing class. Must be instance of Eabi_Livehandler_Model_Abstract
- created_time - when was this database entry created
- update_time - when was this database entry updated
- cached_attributes - not in use, could be used to store data in serialized form
- parameters - not in use, could be used to store data in serialized form
- css - used to declare extra css rules, those can also be declared by implementing class. Will be injected to before_body_end as style tag.
- js - used to display extra javascript, those can be also be declared by implementing class. Will be injetected before_body_end in script[type=javascript] tag
- html - used to display extra HTML, those can be also be declared by implementing class. Will be injetected before_body_end
- Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
- Eabi_Livehandler_Model_Entry