Class Eabi_Postoffice_Block_Config_Rebuildbutton
Renders the button under the Magento Configuration panel.
Purpose of this button is to invoke the procedure, which rebuilds the list of Postoffices/Parcel terminals which are directly related to this carrier.
This button is only intended to use in the Magento -> System -> Configuration -> Shipping methods section and the carrier, that is using this button in the configuration panel should extend Eabi_Postoffice_Model_Carrier_Abstract class.
In order to use this button in the system.xml configuration use the following example:
<code> <rebuild_all translate="label"> <label>Rebuild Postoffice List</label> <frontend_type>label</frontend_type> <sort_order>999</sort_order> <frontend_model>eabi_postoffice/config_rebuildbutton</frontend_model> <show_in_default>1</show_in_default> <show_in_website>1</show_in_website> <show_in_store>1</show_in_store> <comment>If post offices are not displayed correctly, then rebuilding the list may help</comment> </rebuild_all> </code>/p>
Most important parts of this example are frontend_model declaration, which refers to this block. Also frontend_type should be label.
- Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Field